Clients report benefits including:
Profound Relaxation
Improved Circulation
Pain Reduction & Elimination
Improved Organ & Gland Function
Greater Sense of Well-Being
Reduced Effects of Stress
Heightened Mental State
Restful Sleep
Improved Digestion
Muscle Tension Relief
Clients report benefits including:
Profound Relaxation
Improved Circulation
Pain Reduction & Elimination
Improved Organ & Gland Function
Greater Sense of Well-Being
Reduced Effects of Stress
Heightened Mental State
Restful Sleep
Improved Digestion
Muscle Tension Relief
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Reflexology have to be painful in order to work?
Absolutely not. Although there are various forms of Reflexology and some of them are extremely painful, it does not have to be painful in order to work. I believe we should work within the pain tolerance of the client. When I find a spot that is stressed, instead of digging in and causing pain, I like to work through the layers. I believe the purpose of Reflexology is to reduce stress – if I am causing pain, I would be adding stress.
How long has Reflexology been in existence & where did it originate?
Reflexology is over 4000 years old. The oldest known recordings of Reflexology were found in the tomb of an Egyptian Physician.
How many sessions do I need to feel results?
Clients usually report feeling better after one session. Reflexology works on the most current stress first. If you were out digging in your garden over the weekend and came to have Reflexology, you would feel better after one session. If you have had whiplash for 20 years, although you may feel better after one session, it would take a few more sessions to have lasting results.
Why do you work on the feet, hands and ears?
Although the feet give the best access map of the body, the same map of the entire body is located on the hands and ears also. I like to start with a quick 10 minutes on the ears where I am able to work both halves of the body at the same time (I can only work on one hand or foot at a time). Working the ears gives a quick overall feeling of relaxation and helps to get through a couple layers of stress. Working on the hands is a treat for everyone because we use them all day. I do most of the Reflexology session on the feet, because they offer the most definitive information on what is going on in the body.
What if my feet are ticklish?
When I have someone who has ticklish feet, I make sure I work on their hands for a few minutes. I show them how firmly I will be holding their feet and promise not to do anything that would be considered tickling. I have found once I establish this trust, there usually is not a problem.
What if I have a fungus on my feet?
I use Tea Tree Oil in the foot soak for someone that has a fungus or athlete’s foot. Tea Tree Oil is a natural antiseptic.
Are there any side effects felt after a Reflexology session?
Yes, most of them good! Clients report feelings of euphoria, extreme relaxation, improved circulation, digestion, and mental clarity, excess energy and HAPPY FEET! Rarely there can be adverse side effects such as: fatigue, nausea, and diarrhea. These occur because as with any body work, Reflexology releases toxins into your body. Clients find drinking water after their session minimizes the chance of these symptoms occurring.