My Background
I am a graduate of Seattle Reflexology & Massage Center. My interest in the art of reflexology began in 1977 after receiving my first session in a small town in Montana. I earned National Certification in 1998 from the American Reflexology Certification Board (A.R.C.B.).
I am a member in good standing of the A.R.C.B. and charter member and past president of the Washington Reflexology Association.
My Philosophy
Reflexology is my job and my ministry. I believe reflexology brings us back in touch with our body, mind and soul. It reconnects us to our core beliefs of truth, love, goodness, forgiveness and health. We need to learn to check in with our body and listen to what it needs.
I am a graduate of Seattle Reflexology & Massage Center. My interest in the art of reflexology began in 1977 after receiving my first session in a small town in Montana. I earned National Certification in 1998 from the American Reflexology Certification Board (A.R.C.B.).
I am a member in good standing of the A.R.C.B. and charter member and past president of the Washington Reflexology Association.
My Philosophy
Reflexology is my job and my ministry. I believe reflexology brings us back in touch with our body, mind and soul. It reconnects us to our core beliefs of truth, love, goodness, forgiveness and health. We need to learn to check in with our body and listen to what it needs.
My Story
My reflexology story began when I was about 13 years old. The day I started menstruating was the worst day of my life, with periods lasting 10-14 days and pain so bad I would pass out. The medical doctors put me on birth control pills which took me down to 7-10 days, but I continued to have terrible pain. Teachers would send me home from school so that I wouldn’t pass out in class. When I was about 16 yrs old, my doctor finally did laparoscopic surgery to see what was going on. They found my uterus severely tipped causing the blood to back up in my Fallopian tubes, cysts on my ovaries and Endometriosis. Had I been in my 20’s they would have given me a hysterectomy but being so young, they decided the best way to handle it was to give me shots of morphine every month to get me through the pain.
My poor mother read everything she could to try to find some way to help me. Then one day she took me to this man that I like to call a “Witch Doctor”, but actually he had spent his career in the Air Force and whenever he was in another country, he tried to pick up their Alternative Medicine Practices. Asking only my name and my age he had me lay on a massage table and proceeded to do Reflexology on my feet. Without knowing any of my medical history, he told me that my uterus was severely tipped and that there were cysts on my ovaries. He also found the Endometriosis. When I told him what I had to go through every month, he showed me how to do Reflexology on myself.
That was the beginning of a wonderful journey that continues today. I became fascinated with Reflexology and would read books and work on friends and family. In 1997, my husband after receiving a reflexology session from me asked if I had ever thought about doing this for a living. Amazingly, that thought had never occurred to me. About 1 month later I was in my first Reflexology class at Seattle Reflexology & Massage Center where it was reinforced that I did know what I was doing! It still amazes me that Reflexology cured me of the Endometriosis. I am now in my 60's, and naturally went through menopause with no symptoms!
My reflexology story began when I was about 13 years old. The day I started menstruating was the worst day of my life, with periods lasting 10-14 days and pain so bad I would pass out. The medical doctors put me on birth control pills which took me down to 7-10 days, but I continued to have terrible pain. Teachers would send me home from school so that I wouldn’t pass out in class. When I was about 16 yrs old, my doctor finally did laparoscopic surgery to see what was going on. They found my uterus severely tipped causing the blood to back up in my Fallopian tubes, cysts on my ovaries and Endometriosis. Had I been in my 20’s they would have given me a hysterectomy but being so young, they decided the best way to handle it was to give me shots of morphine every month to get me through the pain.
My poor mother read everything she could to try to find some way to help me. Then one day she took me to this man that I like to call a “Witch Doctor”, but actually he had spent his career in the Air Force and whenever he was in another country, he tried to pick up their Alternative Medicine Practices. Asking only my name and my age he had me lay on a massage table and proceeded to do Reflexology on my feet. Without knowing any of my medical history, he told me that my uterus was severely tipped and that there were cysts on my ovaries. He also found the Endometriosis. When I told him what I had to go through every month, he showed me how to do Reflexology on myself.
That was the beginning of a wonderful journey that continues today. I became fascinated with Reflexology and would read books and work on friends and family. In 1997, my husband after receiving a reflexology session from me asked if I had ever thought about doing this for a living. Amazingly, that thought had never occurred to me. About 1 month later I was in my first Reflexology class at Seattle Reflexology & Massage Center where it was reinforced that I did know what I was doing! It still amazes me that Reflexology cured me of the Endometriosis. I am now in my 60's, and naturally went through menopause with no symptoms!